So that we can answer your request, we need the item number of the exhaust system you have. Without the item number, we unfortunately cannot make a statement whether the exhaust system is also suitable for your vehicle. If you know the item number, please send it to us by email to We will then be happy to let you know whether you can use the exhaust system for your vehicle or you e.g. will have to use another intermediate pipe.
Further information:
Whereas the silencers of the exhaust systems are usually mostly universal and suitable for several bikes, the intermediate pipes are vehicle-based. For this reason, it must be clarified whether the combination you have is suitable and approved for your bike. Please note that the bike models that are listed on the service card (EC type approval) are a summary and that this does not mean that an item is suitable for all these bike models. You can reorder silencers and intermediate pipes separately in our online shop. You can find the rear silencers in the category "universal parts". The correct intermediate pipe for your vehicle can be found on the product detail page of our exhaust systems under "spare parts". Please enter your bike in the quick search and select the appropriate item. Go to the online shop